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Class Descriptions

Evaluation in Social Work


Credits: 3
Prerequisites: SW 522
Faculty Approval Date: 09/03/2014

Course Description

This course will cover beginning level evaluation that builds on basic research knowledge as a method of assessing social work practice and strengthening clients, communities and their social programs as well as the systems that serve clients and communities. It addresses the evaluation of promotion, prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services. Students will learn to assess and apply evaluation methods from various perspectives, including scientific, ethical, multicultural, and social justice perspectives.


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Identify and choose the type of evaluation that is appropriate to answer questions consonant with a program's developmental stage. (Practice Behaviors 6.CO, 6.IP, 6.MHS, 6.SPE, 10.d.CO, 10.d.IP, 10.d.MHS, 10.d.SPE)
2. Specify a program for evaluation and its theory of change. (Practice Behaviors 10.d.CO, 10.d.IP, 10.d.MHS, 10.d.SPE)
3. Recognize and apply evaluation and data collection methods that are appropriate to the evaluation context. (Practice Behaviors 6.CO, 6.IP, 6.MHS, 6.SPE)
4. Plan an evaluation of social work practice. (Practice Behaviors 6.SPE, 10.d.CO, 10.d.IP, 10.d.MHS)
5. Understand strategies that promote involvement of practice/policy communities in disseminating the results of evaluation activities in order to foster changes in programs/policies. (Practice Behaviors 6.CO, 6.IP, 6.MHS, 6.SPE)
6. Critically examine existing evaluation studies for their consistency with the values reflected in the curricular themes. (Practice Behaviors 6.CO, 6.IP, 6.MHS, 6.SPE, 10.d.CO, 10.d.IP, 10.d.MHS, 10.d.SPE)


The course will use multiple pedagogical methods: short lectures, participatory discussions, written assignments, student presentations, and experiential exercises. Guest speakers may be invited to address special topics.

Intensive Focus on Privilege, Oppression, Diversity and Social Justice (PODS)

This course integrates PODS content and skills with a special emphasis on the identification of theories, practice and/or policies that promote social justice, illuminate injustices and are consistent with scientific and professional knowledge. Through the use of a variety of instructional methods, this course will support students developing a vision of social justice, learn to recognize and reduce mechanisms that support oppression and injustice, work toward social justice processes, apply intersectionality and intercultural frameworks and strengthen critical consciousness, self knowledge and self awareness to facilitate PODS learning.

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