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Class Descriptions

Foundation Field Instruction Seminar


Credits: 1
Prerequisites: None
Faculty Approval Date: 10/17/2012

Course Description

The course is designed to allow students a professional forum where they will have opportunities to share the integration of their coursework and fieldwork in a safe setting using reflection tools and case-based scenarios from their field placement. A combination of structured activities including concept mapping, and open-ended discussions focusing on field placements will be held, utilizing a theme related to the required social work competencies and practice behaviors. Seminar discussions require all participants to review and openly share examples from their field placement experiences and participate in providing and receiving constructive feedback, with the goal of developing knowledge, skills, and abilities.


Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the ability to negotiate supervision in a proactive manner (Practice Behaviors 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.6).
2. Identify appropriate self-care strategies for emerging social work professionals (Practice Behaviors 1.2, 1.5).
3. Utilize collegial and professional peer consultation as a mechanism for problem solving and apply it to field practice and establish a peer support network (Practice Behavior 1.6).
4. Prepare for and develop a focus for their work, along with goals and outcomes (Practice Behaviors 10.a.1, 10.a.3, 10.b.3).
5. Demonstrate the use of empathy and interpersonal skills in class and in field (Practice Behavior 10.a.2).
6. Begin to apply and integrate course material with their fieldwork practice (Practice Behavior 3.1).
7. Understand and apply critical and creative thinking (Practice Behaviors 3.1, 3.3).
8. Begin to analyze social work models and frameworks of assessment, intervention and evaluation (Practice Behaviors 3.2, 7.1).
9. Understand the fieldwork setting’s missions, population served, policies, procedures, relationship to the community (Practice Behaviors 1.1, 9.1, 9.2).
10. Recognize and assess the impact of the diversity dimensions (i.e. client’s ability, age, culture, economic class, ethnicity, family structure, gender, gender identity and expression, race religions, sex, and sexual orientation) as they relate to privilege, oppression, diversity, and social justice (PODS) in the fieldwork setting (Practice Behaviors 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4).
11. Understand oppression and discrimination, advocate and engage in human rights and social and economic justice (Practice Behaviors 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 10.c.4).
12. Begin to analyze social and will learn to collaborate with colleagues and clients for social action (Practice Behaviors 8.1, 8.2).
13. Apply the National Association of Social Workers (NAWS) Code of Ethics to their professional practice (Practice Behaviors 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4).
14. Learn to collect client data, and how to assess client strengths and weakness and how to develop an intervention strategy (Practice Behaviors 10.b.1, 10.b.2, 10.b.4, 10.c.1, 10.c.2).
15. Identify a problem solving model and use it (Practice Behavior 10.c.3).
16. Demonstrate the ability to enter and exit with clients, organizations and communities (Practice Behavior 10.c.5).
17. Understand how to analyze, monitor and evaluate interventions (Practice Behavior 10.d.1).
18. Begin to develop resource and referral networks (Practice Behaviors 6.1, 6.2).
19. Develop an understanding of person in environment (Practice Behavior 7.2).


A combination of focuses activities, generative interviews, and open-ended discussions about field placements will be held during these times focusing on a theme related to the required social work competencies and practice behaviors (from Council on Social Work Education Standards- CSWE) found in the Foundation Educational Agreement form. Class discussion requires all participants to review and openly discuss examples from their field placement experiences and to participate in providing and receiving constructive feedback from their student colleagues with the goal of developing peer consultation skills. Attendance is required and will be taken at each session.

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