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Analytic Methods for Social Policy Practice

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SW670, Section 001

Understanding the major analytic and quantitative tools used by practitioners engaged in assessing or evaluating human service systems is an essential component of social policy practice. This course will emphasize quantitative program analysis, and students will be asked to analyze an area related to a particular social problem. Students will acquire beginning level skills in the use of a wide variety of analytic and quantitative tools, while gaining in-depth skill in a more limited number of tools and techniques. Competence in these skill areas will be gained by completing a major analysis of a social problem area relevant to social welfare policy.

The underlying theme of this course will be how to increase the rationality of the choice process when applied to complex and rapidly changing human service systems. In short, scientific analysis opposed to political analysis or advocacy is emphasized.

Semester: Winter 2019
Instructor: Andrew (Andy) Grogan-Kaylor
Category: Advanced SPE Methods
U-M Class #: 22059
Program Type: Residential
Credits: 3 Credit Hours

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