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  1. Dean's Office

    Dean Beth Angell

    Associate Dean for Educational Programs Robert M. Ortega

    Associate Dean for Faculty and Academic Affairs Shawna J. Lee

    Associate Dean for Research and Innovation Matthew J. Smith

    Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Strategic Initiatives Katie E. Richards-Schuster 

  2. Audio-Visual Support & Instructional Support

    The AV team provides support and media services to the faculty of the School of Social Work for classes, conferences, workshops and other educational related activities. They support for equipment loans, videoconferencing via Zoom, lecture capture with Kaltura Classroom, and staffing the SSW studio and media room. Visit the AV reservation page on My SSW to reserve AV equipment using the online reservation form.

    The Instructional Support and Design team provides support, training, consultation, and design services for the School of Social Work. They also provide in-house support for Canvas and maintain teaching toolkit Canvas sites with helpful tutorials and guides for SSW faculty.

    Additional information can be found on the SSW Office of Information Technology (SSW IT) website.

  3. Business Operations

    Coordinates the financial activities for the School of Social Work.

  4. Career Services

    Career Center staff are available to help with career assistance for alumni, informational interviewing techniques, interview preparation, job search strategies, licensing questions, networking strategies, portfolio development, resume / cover letter reviews, and salary negotiation techniques.

  5. Center for Equitable Family & Community Well-Being

    The goal of the Center for Equitable Family and Community Well-Being is to encourage and support efforts connecting the resources and intellectual strength of the University of Michigan with the passion and social capital of community leaders.

  6. Community Action and Social Change

    The CASC minor is for students interested in developing knowledge, skills, and experiences in community action and social change.

    To schedule an academic advising appointment, visit the online appointment form.

  7. Continuing Education

    Coordinates the School of Social Work continuing education offerings and assists in the registration for continuing education mini-courses and workshops.
  8. Curtis Center

    To stimulate research, training, and outreach opportunities that promote health equity by supporting work that deepens our understanding of the factors that lead to inequities and the strategies that eliminate them.

  9. Development and Alumni Relations

    Committed to building and strengthening relationships between the School and its alumni and friends.

  10. Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

    Responsible for coordinating the implementation efforts of the School's diversity, equity and inclusion strategic plan.

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