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Rashun Miles

Research & Volunteering in Brazil

  • Curriculum Track:
    16 Month

I was abroad for 4 weeks for my Global Independent Study project. My project involved interviews with members of Grupo Gay da Bahia (GGB) which is the oldest association for the defense of gay and lesbians in Brazil, about heath and HIV rates. I also translated documents from Portuguese to English for the association and its programs, which will be disseminated to English-speaking populations.

What was your most memorable moment during your Global Independent Study project?

The most memorable experience for me was working with the founding members of Grupo gay da Bahia. They had a lot of stories. Although it was more than 30 years ago since it was established, many of the same problems still exist.

What made you interested in Global Independent Study?

I was interested in GIS because I wanted to work closely with Dr Pinto. He was aware of my research and encouraged me to apply. I also wanted to connect with organization outside of the US and try to understand the ways they approach problems and if those tools could be used in an US context.

What advice would you give, based on your own experience, to students considering Global Independent Study?

It is work. On and off the the field. It is cultivating relationships. Think about solutions. Staying safe. It is also a lot of fun. People are eager to help and, in some cases, you get to use language and communication skills.

Poster Archive of Previous Student Project: Grupo Gay da Bahia: Agents of Change and Possibility

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