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Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research-Competitive renewal YR26-30

The Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research (MCUAAAR), a center comprised of the three Research 1 universities in Michigan, proposes to expand its reach and impact by mentoring junior faculty (most of whom are African American) and by focusing on the unique aspects of stress and coping in older African Americans using a life course lens. Our three specific aims include (1) Increase reach through the maturation of our three-university structure and our growing relationships with five HBCUs; (2) Recruit and mentor 15 new junior researchers whose research will focus on unique life course experiences of stress and coping in African American older adults; (3) Enhance our established nationally recognized model for successfully engaging with urban African American communities; and (4) Continue to build the next generation of leaders for MCUAAAR. Three cores (LAC, AnC and CLRC) and the Research Education Component (REC) are proposed in this application.

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