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School of Social Work News

  1. Karla  Goldman
    Karla Goldman on the Legacy of the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Professor Karla Goldman wrote in The Conversation about the new memorial commemorating the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire victims, most of whom were Jewish and Italian young women and girls. One of the deadliest workplace disasters in U.S. history, the tragedy inspired worker protections and invigorated labor activism.

    “The memorial offers a bold and graceful reminder not only of the fire but of its imprint on the world we inhabit today,” wrote Goldman.

  2. Karla  Goldman
    Karla Goldman discusses JCLP with the Detroit Jewish News

    Professor Karla Goldman spoke with the Detroit Jewish News about the School’s Jewish Communal Leadership Program, which she directs. The five-semester program gives students an education in social work and Jewish history and culture, along with skills for working with organizations and communities, said Goldman.

  3. Karla  Goldman
    Karla Goldman Quoted in Inside Higher Ed on the History of Elite Universities Limiting Jewish Student Enrollment

    Professor Karla Goldman spoke with Inside Higher Ed about the report released by Stanford University uncovering its history of limiting Jewish student enrollments. The report comes at a time when colleges and universities across the country are excavating their pasts and working to publicly acknowledge and correct for their roles in historical wrongs.  “This was happening everywhere, so it’s interesting that Stanford took this piece as seriously as they have,” Goldman said. “It’s to their credit. But does it mean there should be a wave of these things everywhere? Truly, almost every school in the Northeast should be apologizing.”

  4. Karla  Goldman
    Karla Goldman Examines the Culture of Silence in Reform Judaism

    Professor Karla Goldman’s op-ed in Lilth asks what can be expected from Reform Judaism in the wake of reports of sexual discrimination released by the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC) in Cincinnati. Goldman shares her own personal history as the first tenure-track woman faculty member on the HUC’s Cincinnati campus, and describes her lawsuit against HUC for wrongful dismissal based on gender bias. 

    “As a historian of women in Reform Judaism, I have studied Reform’s very real commitment to women’s advancement within Judaism together with its century-long pattern of combining strong rhetoric on female equality with a reality of subordination and exclusion,” writes Goldman. “I knew this culture and its silencing all too well.”

    • June 17, 2022
  5. Karla  Goldman
    Karla Goldman's Reflects on Hurricane Katrina and Draws Connections to the Pandemic

    Karla Goldman's article "Fifteen Years after Katrina: Lessons for August 2020" reflects on Hurricane Katrina and draws connections to the pandemic. Writes Goldman, "A crisis offers the opportunity to draw upon established strengths and reach forward for new possibilities implicit in working across differences, even as we hold fast to the essential connections and stories that define who we are."

  6. Karla  Goldman
    Reform Judaism is a Wounded Giant

    Professor Karla Goldman’s article in Forward discusses how the economic disruptions of the coronavirus add to the woes that have been threatening the viability of the historic institutions and programs that support Reform Judaism.

  7. Karla  Goldman
    Karla Goldman quoted in The Times of Israel

    Sol Drachler Professor of Social Work, Karla Goldman, was quoted in the article "200 years ago, John Adams promoted a Jewish state in the Holy Land" in The Times of Israel.  The article explains how the reasoning behind President Trump’s support of a Jewish homeland differs sharply from that of the second president, John Adams. 

  8. Karla  Goldman
    Karla Goldman Discusses Temple Sisterhood with Forward

    Sol Drachler Professor of Social Work Karla Goldman discusses with Forward how sisterhoods have been a “launching pad for women’s public identities both inside Judaism and in the wider society.”

  9. Karla  Goldman
    Karla Goldman is a Panelist at the Antisemitism Today Roundtable

    What is Antisemitism, and how is it manifesting itself today? Is it on the rise globally? How does it differ in different parts of the world? A panel of U-M faculty including  Karla Goldman, Sol Drachler Professor of Social Work will discuss the issues surrounding antisemitism in our world.

  10. Karla  Goldman
    Karla Goldman is Featured Panelist at "Immigrants and Newcomers: Historic Limits to Diversity at U-M"

    Professor Karla Goldman was a featured panelist at the LSA Bicentennial Theme Semester event, "Immigrants and Newcomers: Historic Limits to Diversity at U-M" which is part of "A Long History of Unauthorized Immigration" symposium. 

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