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School of Social Work Research Publications for Lydia W. Li

  1. Davitt, J., Li, L. W., & Rastigue, K. (2016). Policies to protect the rights of older adults and support family caregivers. Handbook for Social Work in Health and Aging (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.
  2. Zhang, J., & Li, L. W. (2015). Provincial variation in marketization and successful aging in China: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Population Aging.
  3. Long, Y. & Li, L. W. (2015). "How would we deserve better?" Rural-urban dichotomy in health-seeking for the chronically ill elderly in China. Qualitative Health Research. Sage Journals.
  4. Cheng, S-T, Fung, H., Li, L. W., Li, T., Woo, J., & Chi, I. (2015). Successful aging: Concepts, reflections, and its relevance to Asia. In Cheung, S.-T., Chi, I., Fung, H., Li, L. W., & Woo J. (Eds.). Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives 1-18. NY: Springer.
  5. Li, L. W., Liu, J., Zhang, Z., & Xu, H. (2015). Late-life depression in rural China: Do village infrastructure and availability of community resources matter? International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 30(7), 729-736.
  6. Cheung S.-T., Li, L. W., Woo, J., Fung, H., & Chi, I. (2015). Successful aging in East Asia: a concerted effort of the State, the family, and the individual. In Cheung, S.-T., Chi, I., Fung, H., Li, L. W., & Woo J. (Eds.). Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives 339-346. New York: Springer.
  7. Li, L. W. & Zhang, J. (2015). Challenges to successful aging in transitional China. In Cheung, S.-T., Chi, I., Fung, H., Li, L. W., & Woo J. (Eds.), Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives 33-50. New York: Springer.
  8. Cheung, S.-T., Chi, I., Fung, H., Li, L. W., & Woo J. (Eds.). (2015). Successful Aging: Asian Perspectives. New York: Springer.
  9. Li, L. W., Essex, E. & Long, Y. (2014). Quality of life as perceived by older persons with chronic illness in rural and urban Shangdong, China. Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, 29(4), 417-428.
  10. Chen, S., Boyle, L., Conwell, Y., Chiu, H., Li, L. W. & Xiao, S. (2013). Dementia care in rural China. Mental Health in Family Medicine, 10(3), 133-141.
  11. Li, L. W., Long, Y., Essex, E., Sui, Y., & Gao, L. (2012). Elderly Chinese and their family caregivers' perceptions of good care: A qualitative study in Shangdong, China. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 55(7), 609-625.
  12. Li, Lydia, McLaughlin, S. (2012). Caregiver confidence: Does it predict changes in disability among elderly health care recipients? The Gerontologist, 52(1), 79-88.
  13. Ingersoll-Dayton, B., Dunkle, R. E., Chadiha, L. A., Lawrence-Jacobson, A., Li, L., & Weir, E. (2011). Intergenerational ambivalence: Aging mothers whose adult daughters are mentally ill. Families in Society, 92(1), 114-119.
  14. McLaughlin, S. J., Connell, C. M., Heeringa, S. G., Li, L. W., & Roberts, S. (2010). Successful aging in the United States: Prevalence estimates from a national sample of older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 65B(2), 216-226.
  15. Li, L. W., & Conwell, Y. (2010). Pain and self-injury ideation in elderly men and women receiving home care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 58, 2160-2165.
  16. Li, L., & Sui, Y. (2009). Family: Roles of the elderly. In D. Pong (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Modern China. Detroit, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons, Gale/Cengage Learning.
  17. Li, L. W., & Conwell, Y. (2009). Effects of changes in depressive symptoms and cognitive functioning on physical disability in home care elderly. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 64A(2), 230-236.
  18. Li, L. W., Zhang, J., & Liang, J. (2009). Health among the oldest-old in China: Which living arrangements make a difference? Social Science and Medicine, 69(2), 220-227.
  19. Li, L. W., & Conwell, Y. (2007). Mental health status of home care elders in Michigan. The Gerontologist, 47(4), 528-534.
  20. Li, L. W., & Liang, J. (2007). Social exchanges and subjective well-being among older Chinese: Does age make a difference? Psychology and Aging, 22(2), 386-391.
  21. Li, L. W. & Rafferty, J. (2006). Policies affecting families of older adults with care needs. In B. Berkman (Ed.), Handbook of Social Work in Health and Aging 915-922. Oxford University Press.
  22. Li, L. W., & Seltzer, M. M. (2005). Relationship quality with parent, daughter role salience, and self-esteem of daughter caregivers. Marriage and Family Review, 37(1/2), 63-82.
  23. Li, L. W. (2005). Trajectories of ADL disability among community-dwelling frail older persons. Research on Aging, 27(1), 56-79.
  24. Li, L. W., Liang, J., Toler, A., & Gu, S. (2005). Widowhood and depressive symptoms among older Chinese: Do gender and sources of support make a difference? Social Science and Medicine, 60(3), 637-647.
  25. Li, L. W., & Fries, B. (2005). Elder disability as an explanation for racial differences in informal home care. Gerontologist, 45(2), 206-215.


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