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School of Social Work Research Publications for Laura Lein

  1. Ellmer, R., Lein, L., & Hormuth, P. (1995). Coordinated services for children's mental health: A process evaluation. Journal of Mental Health Administration, 22(4), 346-357.
  2. Penzerro, R. M., & Lein, L. (1995). Burning their bridges: Disordered attachment and foster care discharge. Child Welfare, 74(2), 351-366.
  3. Lein, L. (1994). Welfare mothers' use of service agencies. Proceedings of the National Association of Welfare Research and Statistics.
  4. Burtner, J., Lein, L., Shannon, L., & Smith, P. (1994). Discipline and (em)power: The class and ethics politics of institutional outreach in a South Texas community. Proceedings of the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, Annual Meetings.
  5. Lein, L. (1993). [Review of the book More than bread: The ethnography of a soup kitchen]. The American Ethnologist, 20(2), 405-406.
  6. Lein, L., Rickards, R., & Webster, J. (1993). Student loan defaulters compared with repayers: A Texas case study. Journal of Student Financial Aid, 23(1), 29-39.
  7. Lein, L., Rickards, R., Hockenyos, J., & Mendez, D. (1993). Child care, higher education, and pension systems in Japan and the United States. Special Project Report of the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs. University of Texas.
  8. Cotrell, V., & Lein, L. (1993). Awareness and denial in the Alzheimer's disease victim. Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 19(3/4), 115-129.
  9. Ellmer, R., & Lein, L. (1992). Process evaluation plan for the School of the Future. In W. H. Holtzman (Ed.), School of The Future. American Psychological Association and the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, University of Texas.
  10. Lein, L., Radle, P., & Radle, R. (1992). San Antonio Family Support Program: Reflections on the School of the Future in the center of a public housing project. In W. H. Holtzman (Ed.), School of The Future. American Psychological Association and the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, University of Texas.
  11. Lein, L., Radle, P., & Radle, R. (1992). The San Antonio Independent School District Family Support Program. In W. H. Holtzman (Ed.), School of the Future. American Psychological Association and the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, University of Texas.
  12. Lein, L., Rickards, R., & Fabelo, T. (1992). The attitudes of criminal justice practitioners toward sentencing issues. Crime and Delinquency, 38(2), 189-203.
  13. Lein, L. (1991). [Review of the book Family preservation services]. Contemporary Psychology.
  14. Lein, L. (1986). The changing role of the family. In M. Lystad (Ed.), Violence in the Home: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Brunner/Maxel, Inc.
  15. Lein, L. (1984). Male participation in home life. In P. Voydanoff (Ed.), Work and Family: Changing Roles of Men and Women. Mayfield Publishing Company.
  16. Lein, L. (1984). Parents at home and on the job. In R. Cohen, B. Cohler, & S. Weissman (Eds.), Parenthood: A Psychodynamic Perspective. New York: Guilford Press.
  17. Lein, L. (1984). Women and the family. Commissioned by the National Conference on Women, the Economy, and Public Policy, Washington, D.C.: Women's Research and Education Institute.
  18. Lein, L. (1984). Families under pressure: Meeting their demands for services. In M. L. Roberts & L. H. Wortzel (Eds.), Marketing to the Changing Household: Managerial and Research Implications. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Company.
  19. Lein, L. (1984). Families Without Villains: American Families in an Era of Change. Lexington, MA: D. C. Heath's Lexington Books.
  20. Lein, L., & O’Donnell, L. (1984). Children. Philadelphia: Westminister Press.
  21. Lein, L. (1983). The ties that bind: An introduction. Marriage and Family Review, 5(4), 3-7.
  22. Lein, L., & McIntosh, P. (1982). Putting research to work: Applied research on women. Working Paper, 97. Center for Research on Women, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA.
  23. Lein, L. (1981). [Review of the book Parenting in an unresponsive society]. Public Welfare 50.
  24. Lein, L. (1981). [Review of the book Work and the family system]. Social Casework, 62(4), 250-251.
  25. Levine, J., Harlan, S., Seligson, M., Pleck, J., & Lein, L. (1981). Child care and equal opportunity for women. Clearinghouse Publication, 67. Washington, D.C.: The United States Commission on Civil Rights.


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