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School of Social Work Research Publications for Kathryn Berringer

  1. Lacombe-Duncan, A., Berringer, K. R., Green, J., Jacobs, A., & Hamdi, A. (2022). “I do the she and her”: A qualitative exploration of HIV care providers’ considerations of trans women in gender-specific HIV care. Women's Health.
  2. Keene, L. C., Dehlin, J. M., Pickett, J., Berringer,K. R., Little, I., Tsang, A., Bouris, A. M., & Schneider, J. A. (2021). #PrEP4Love: success and stigma following release of the first sex-positive PrEP public health campaign. Culture, Health, and Sexuality, 23(3), 391-413.
  3. Berringer, K. R. (2020). Re-examining epistemological debates in social work through American pragmatism. Social Service Review, 93(4), 608-639.
  4. Pinto, R., Lacombe-Duncan, A., Kay, E. S., & Berringer, K. (2019). Expanding knowledge about implementation of pre-exposure prophylaxis: A methodological review. AIDS and Behavior, 23(10), 2761-2778.
  5. Pinto, R. M., Berringer, K. R., Melendez, R. M., & Mmeje, O. (2018). Improving PrEP implementation through multilevel interventions: A synthesis of the literature. AIDS and Behavior.
  6. Berringer, K. (2015). Symbolic struggles in advocating for juveniles sentenced to life without parole. Advocates’ Forum: A Publication by Students of The University of Chicago School of Social Service Administration, 35-46.
  7. Hochberg, C. H., Berringer, K., & Schneider, J. A. (2015). Next-generation methods for HIV partner services: A systematic review. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 42(9), 533-539.

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