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Transgender Awareness Week Keynote Speaker - Kavi Ade


The Spectrum Center invites this year's Transgender Awareness Week Keynote, Kavi Ade. Kavi Ade is a black trans queer speaker, arts educator, and nationally recognized poet of Afro and Indigenous Caribbean descent. Speaking on race, gender, sexuality, mental health, domestic violence, and sexual assault, Kavi's work grapples with being set at the throne of violence, and exploring the ways in which a body can learn to survive. Using art as resistance, they create transformative dialogue that aims to combat supremacist powers, and heal communities that have been harmed. Kavi has given poetry readings and keynote speeches, led workshops, and spoken on panels in numerous cities and communities, including over 100 colleges and universities, domestically and internationally. Kavi received the leeway foundation's transformation of work that honors "women and trans* artists and cultural producers who create art for social change, demonstrating a long-term commitment to social change work."

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