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Woman and Infants Mental Health Program - Perinatal Depression: Why be concerned and what we can do about it?


University of Michigan Department of Psychiatry & Depression -  Please Join the Women and Infants Mental Health Program Guest Speaker: Sherryl Goodman, PhD Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor Dept. of Psychology and Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University

“My research is focused on developmental psychopathology with a specific interest in the mechanisms by which mothers with depression may transmit psychopathology to their children. Within a developmental psychopathology perspective, I am particularly interested in risk and protective factors and vulnerabilities to the development of psychopathology among children of depressed mothers. I am also interested in the development of evidence-based approaches to the prevention of perinatal depression and examining the potential benefits of such interventions to the infants. I have a long history of NIMH funding, including as PI of “The Impact of Maternal Depression, Anxiety, and Stress on Infant Vulnerabilities to the Development of Psychopathology (part of the Center for P50 MH077928-02 “Perinatal Stress and Gene Influences: Pathways to Infant vulnerability”).”

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