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Critical Intersectionality and LGBTQ+ organizations in Southeast Michigan: Health and Housing Advocacy for Older Adults Alternate Title: Enacting Data Analyses and Action Goals informed by HOMES Survey Results: LGBTQ+/SGL Older Adults and Housing

LGBTQ+ older adults face a bevy of health disparities compared to heterosexual, cisgender peers, including worse mental health, higher rates of smoking, and limitations in activities of daily living (e.g. walking, eating, bathing, dressing, toileting) (Conron, Mimiaga, & Landers, 2010; Dilley, et al., 2010). Moreover, nearly half of same-sex couples (48%) have experienced housing discrimination (SAGE USA 2019). LGBTQ+ older adults are also twice as likely to live alone and four times less likely to have children than their non-LGBTQ+ peers (Espinoza, 2011). LGBTQ+ older adults also experience greater economic disparities compared to non-LGBTQ peers (Emlet, 2016), which can further reduce housing options. As revitalization projects grow in Detroit, housing options have dwindled for LGBTQ older adults. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated a housing and health crisis for LGBTQ+ older adults.

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