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MSW Student Guide

Section 4.04.03: Essential Components of Field Education

These are on-line modules available to field instructors and students. In order to access these, field instructors will need to use their U-M uniqname and password. The Office of Field Education (OFE) strongly urges field instructors to view the chapters in Field Education 101 prior to the student starting placement.
Chapter 1: Nuts & Bolts Chapter 2: Learning Logistics Chapter 3: Tools of the Trade

Students will have an opportunity to create an e-Portfolio during their time in the program. This on-line module
”Putting Your e-Portfolio together” explains the process in more detail.

A. Set up a meeting with the student, provide orientation to the agency, staff, policies etc. Ask the student to share their course syllabi with the goal of identifying applicable classroom assignments that might be designated as fieldwork site assignments.

Review and discuss the required online Educational Agreement form. Field instructors will need to use their U-M unique name and password to access the electronic form. Students must identify behaviorally specific fieldwork site assignments for each competency focusing on developing proficiency in the identified practice behaviors. Practice behaviors are defined as a blend of activities, knowledge and skills. This online Agreement must be completed each term. The CSWE Social Work Competencies are listed below:

1. Professional Identity 6. Research 10a. Engagement
2. Values and Ethics 7. Human Behavior & the Social Environment 10b. Assessment
3. Critical Thinking 8. Social Policy 10c. Intervention
4. Diversity 9. Organizational Context 10d. Evaluation
5. Social and Economic Justice

The goal is for students to achieve proficiency in each competency and the corresponding practice behaviors, and find ways to integrate classroom knowledge with practice experience. See the
Instructions & Help Tab on the online Educational Agreement form for specifics regarding the review and approval process by the field faculty.

C. Set up a one hour weekly supervision schedule. Students are required to utilize a Supervision Agenda for these meetings with the following categories:
1. Administrative issues.
2. Progress related to fieldwork site assignments and developing proficiency on the corresponding practice behaviors.
3. Reflection on Privilege, Oppression, Diversity, and Social Justice issues (PODS).
4. Reflection on personal and professional growth, skill development and the identification and development of Key Learning Experience/Project Summaries.

A. Each term, the assigned field faculty contacts the field instructor and the student to arrange a required fieldwork site visit to evaluate the student’s progress to date. To prepare for the site visit, students and field instructors discuss and reflect on:
How the fieldwork site operates, how students have acclimated to the setting, and share some successes and challenges.
The fieldwork site assignments as related to the CSWE competencies and developing proficiency with the corresponding practice behaviors.
The Field Education: Key Learning Experience/Project Worksheet & Summary Assignment
How PODS issues have impacted the placement experience.
The progress made with regard to personal and professional growth and overall skill development.
Review of the end of term evaluation process.
Additional topics for the site visit may include:
o Review several Supervision Agenda’s used during the term
o How the Field Reflection Tool: What? So What? Now What? is being utilized.
o How critical thinking is being utilized in field practice.
o Concerns or issues that have emerged during the term.
o Ethical questions or challenges that may have been encountered.
o How course work and field work are being integrated.
o Discussion on the use of social media.
o Review of self-care plans.

The online Educational Agreement form also functions as the
end-of-term evaluation form. The End of term evaluation is due by the established deadline. Refer to the General Instructions & Help Tab for and for the scoring scale and how to use it. The final evaluation should be shared with the student so that a discussion can ensue regarding identified strengths and areas for improvement as the student moves forward towards graduation. The final evaluation has 3 required components:

1. Tab 2 (Assignments): Practice Behavior Rating Scale: The field instructor will be required to rate the student on their level of proficiency as demonstrated in the completed assignment related to the identified practice behaviors on the online Educational Agreement form. If there is a secondary LMSW field instructor, they must also complete Tab 2 ratings. There are 41 core practice behaviors with ratings from 0–5 on the Foundation form and 54 on the Advanced form. See the scale below. Students should not be receiving scores of 4 and 5 in their first or second term of placement! A score of a 2 or a 3 is an acceptable rating.
Mastery (5): Student demonstrates depth of understanding of social work as a discipline; ability to use
knowledge fluently and poses appropriate questions for consultation; ability to anticipate challenges and problems before they arise; ability to deal with complex situations holistically and confidently; sound judgment over time; and the ability to take full responsibility for own work/tasks and seeks supervision as consultation appropriately.
Advance Competence/Proficient (4): Student demonstrates good working knowledge of practice
and sees the “big” picture; awareness of appropriate questions to ask and able to access resources to address questions; ability to apply solutions and assess the effectiveness of approaches; capacity to cope with complex situations through deliberate analysis and planning; capacity to use own judgment and see actions in terms of longer range goals and ability to excel with minimal supervision for overall work/tasks.
Competent/Skilled (3): Student demonstrates a working knowledge of key aspects of practice;
beginning understanding of questions to ask; limited ability to break down, examine information and recommend solutions; appreciation for the complexity of situations but only able to achieve partial resolution; beginning ability to use own judgment, and the need for continuous supervision for overall work/tasks.
Beginning/Emerging Competence (2): Student demonstrates capacity to build knowledge related
to practice; limited understanding of what questions to ask; developing awareness of how problems and solutions are connected; little capacity to deal with complexity; minimal or “textbook” knowledge to inform judgment and the need for direct supervision for tasks and overall work.
Did Not Demonstrate (1): Student unable to demonstrate ability to ask relevant questions; unable
to demonstrate the ability to build knowledge related to practice and unable to demonstrate awareness, knowledge, and skills.
NA = No Opportunity (0): Student did not have an opportunity to address this practice behavior
and therefore proficiency could not be determined. If the scores on the Educational Agreement form show three or more "NA" scores (no opportunity), then the student will automatically receive a grade of Incomplete ("I") for the term. The field instructor will be required to explain why these scores were given. This grade of Incomplete will be changed after the student has completed the assigned work or developed and created a new assignment and completed this.

2. Tab 3 End of Term: Students and field instructors need to complete all the information on this tab. Completion provides an official record of the hours logged and the practice behavior ratings. If there is a secondary LMSW field instructor, they must also complete Tab 3 End of Term. If for any reason the evaluation will be late, students must contact their Field Faculty. Failure to submit/complete this assignment by the due date will result in an Incomplete (“I”) grade.

3. Upload Field Key Learning Experience/Project Summary:
Students are required to complete and upload a Summary each term following the guidelines found on Tab 3 End of Term and the SW 515 or SW 691 field education syllabi. Please encourage your student to use the Field Instruction: Key Learning Experience/Project Worksheet & Summary Assignment throughout the term in supervision to assist them in developing the required Summary at the end of the term.

4. The Field Instructor End-of-Placement Narrative Summary is only required in the last term of the student’s placement. Field instructors are required to upload a narrative on Tab 3 which should focus on summarizing the student’s performance over the course of the placement related to how the field instructor perceives the student “thinking and performing like a social worker”. The six (6) professional competency domains listed below have been established to assist you in developing the narrative which should capture the student’s overall performance as a developing professional. The bullets illustrate/describe the attributes for each domain. This feedback should be in the field instructor’s words and reflect the conclusion about the student’s capacity to use and/or transfer knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes, and values into action. See the table below for more information:
PERSONAL QUALITIES: Include your perception of the student’s
o motivation
o time management abilities
o independence
o energy
o commitment
o flexibility
o adaptability
o accountability

recognize the importance of context
o work in an organization with rules, procedures, and a hierarchy
o carry out basic procedures of role
o use strong communication skills (verbal and written)
o entertain perspectives of others in a respectful manner ability

engage in the learning process
o initiate, seek out , and learn
o generalize learning
o create an approach using knowledge and skill
o seek appropriate consultation
o be self-directed

identify the values, principles and ideas that underlie judgments and actions
o use analytical and critical thinking skills
o use theories and approaches consistent with social work knowledge
o make sound ethical decisions and has a clear understanding of the value base of social work

exhibits appropriate empathy
o connects, supports, collaborates as well as confronts and challenges appropriately
o manages professional boundaries

engage and form relationships with variety of personnel
o build alliances
o work with diverse populations
o be receptive to and able to apply feedback
o reflect on practice and exhibit self-awareness

Determining the Final Grade:
The final evaluation should be shared with the student so that a discussion can ensue regarding identified strengths and areas for improvement as the student moves forward towards graduation. Please remember that the assigned field faculty member is available for consultation throughout the student’s field experience so please either call or email them if you have questions. For the grading policy, please refer to the U-M School of Social Work Student Guide, Volume 3, Chapter 11. Grades for field education are satisfactory ("S"), marginal ("M"), or unsatisfactory ("U"). The student’s final grade for field education is determined by the assigned field faculty and is a compilation of several important criteria. These include:
A. The development and initial submission of the
Educational Agreement for review.
B. The required
fieldwork site visit with the field instructor(s), student.
C. The
final evaluation documentation.
D. The following factors related to the student’s
ability to perform:
i. Records, reports, logs, and other
written materials produced by the student.
ii. Verbal assessments of specific aspects of the student's performance provided by the field instructor and/or secondary field instructor during the site visit and other times, as well as input from other fieldwork personnel involved in field education.
iii. The field instructor’s
end of placement written narrative regarding the student’s performance.

E. Grades are also determined by evaluating the
student’s professional behavior in the fieldwork setting:
i. Maintain
appropriate professional behaviors such as attendance, time management, meeting deadlines, professional appearance and professional demeanor at all times.
ii. Maintain
open relationships with their field instructor(s), their field faculty member, colleagues, client groups, the community, the School of Social Work, and learn to give and receive constructive feedback.
iii. Exhibit
personal responsibility, accountability and the ability to collaborate, and follow through on commitments.
iv. Demonstrate
active listening and professional communication (oral and written) that is timely, responsible, expressed in a sensitive manner and exhibits self-awareness and self-correction.

Additional helpful field instructor information can be found here on the Office of Field Education (OFE)
Current Field Instructor’s web page.