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MSW Student Guide

Section 1.14.01: Academic Difficulty Procedures

The Academic Concerns Committee reviews students in academic difficulty and has the authority to disenroll students or allow them to continue in a probationary status. The following situations are subject to review by the Academic Concerns Committee:

a. Students who fail to file a plan or do not have approved plans to remove their probationary

b. Students who receive grades of U for any portion of field education or a grade of M for
"Advanced Field Education".

c. Students have one semester after being placed on probation to return to good academic standing.
Failure to do so will result in referral to the Academic Concerns Committee.

If the Academic Concerns Committee recommends dismissal from the school, the only method of returning to school is reapplication. If the student does not agree with the decision, they must submit a written request for review of the dismissal decision within two weeks of being notified of the committee's dismissal recommendation. The Executive Committee will then meet within two weeks to consider the case. At this meeting, the student's position is permitted to be presented fully and freely. The student may make the presentation and may be accompanied by the academic advisor or another School of Social Work faculty member chosen by the student. The accompanying faculty member may speak on the student's behalf.