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MSW Student Guide

Section 1.12.01: Academic Misconduct

Nothing in this policy prevents a faculty member from assigning grades or coursework that are determined to be appropriate as a result of an evaluation of a student's performance. When a faculty member determines that a student has engaged in academic misconduct, the faculty member may either file a charge of misconduct under this policy or exercise their authority with regard to assessing the student's performance in that course, such as assigning a failing grade or assigning additional course work for evaluation. Any student who feels that an unfair performance evaluation was conducted may appeal the grade or file a grievance (see volume 1, chapter 13 Student Grievances).

Faculty members are required to inform the associate dean for educational programs of all cases of academic misconduct that they resolve independently.

Students who are found responsible for academic misconduct are subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the School of Social Work, revocation of degree, or any other sanction deemed appropriate to address the violation. Examples of possible sanctions include:

1. Failing grade for an exam or assignment

2. Failing grade for the course

3. Restitution

4. Educational project

5. Remediation or service project

6. Additional field education hours

7. Suspension

8. Withholding of degree

9. Rescinding of degree