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MSW Student Guide

Section 1.11.01: Academic Misconduct

The MSW program in the School of Social Work maintains the highest standards of academic integrity, professionalism, and ethical conduct. All students are expected to abide by these standards in their course work, client interactions, participation in field assignments, research, and any other element of the school's curriculum and programs. Unacceptable academic behavior refers to actions or behaviors that violate these standards, including but not limited to the following offenses:

● Use of unauthorized aids or assistance in completing an academic assignment, exam, or any other
assessment. This includes electronic assistance.
● The unauthorized use of notes, books, digital devices or resources, including artificial intelligence for an exam
or assignment.
● Copying another’s assignment or exam.
● Submitting work or information obtained from someone else under one's own name.
● Discussing or sharing information about questions or answers on an exam or other evaluative assignment
without explicit permission of the instructor.
● Taking an exam or completing an assignment for someone else or having someone else take an exam or
complete an assignment for you.
● Fabricating data that were not collected or generated using appropriate methods and failing to provide an
accurate account of how the data were gathered or collected.

● The use of another’s words, ideas, or work without proper citation or attribution.
● Copying and pasting text from online sources, paraphrasing without giving credit, or properly citing.
● Submitting work previously completed for another course or assignment.

Property Conversion:
● The unauthorized use, possession, or transfer of any property or equipment belonging to the school or others.
● This includes but is not limited to taking books or materials from the library without permission, or using
equipment or software without authorization.

Aiding and Abetting Dishonesty:
● Knowingly assisting another student in committing an academic offense.
● Failing to report an academic offense when aware of it.

Inappropriate Use of Computers and Other Facilities:
● Unauthorized access to computers or other facilities, tampering with data, or using school resources for non-
academic purposes.
● Includes violations of the University’s Technology Policies for proper use of information resource infrastructure,
misconduct using University resources, sharing of information, privacy and security, data management, and
digital copyright.

Unacceptable Collaboration:
● Working together on individual assignments when not permitted by instructor.
● Submitting group work as individual assignments.
● Submitting work that was completed by someone else.

● Impairment refers to any physical or mental condition that affects a student's ability to participate in academic
activities or field assignments, including substance abuse.
● Inability to maintain the SSW Technical Standards.

Failure to Maintain Standards of Care:
● Failing to fulfill the requirements of field placements.
● Not meeting expectations of professional conduct.

Falsification of Data, Records, or Official Documents:
● Fabricating research data
● Falsifying records of field placements
● Forging documents
● Altering academic records, or documents related to academic records